Sunday, October 29, 2006
Wash it away!
I'm into dishclothes again. I just stopped into our LYS for cotton to match the pink I had and...picked this up instead.
This is the 1st time I am doing a 2-tone Ballband cloth. I love this pattern. It is so simple but looks so tidy and neat.
In other news: Majeeks was in a fight Wednesday night. He got away with just a scratch below his right eye. By Thursday night his little face was a mess. Infection had set in and his nose had doubled in size and his eye was nearly swollen shut.
Having paid hefty vet fees in the past (and since it was nearly midnight) I thought I would just look online to see what sort of natural solution we might have on hand.
I found this site and we started treatment right away. Friday morning we thought he looked a little better. 3 applications later, he was completely himself! Unbelievable. I am still washing his scratch with ACV and warm water until all trace of the scratch is gone. We may well have saved ourselves $300 (or more) and a longer recovery time.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Alive & Kicking
It has certainly been awhile since my last post - sorry about that!
Work has been really busy. When I am home there has been a lot of what you see to the left and some knitting on the baby blanket - which I forgot in my office last night update pic right now.
I'm going to try and get in a decent post this weekend.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Knitting right along
Look at my baby modeling the blankie. Awwwwww. The little ham.
Since I suddenly know 3 new babies, 5 pregnant people, and 2 people planning to be pregnant, I think this could be a knit I repeat! Perfect for baby's naps - or walks in a stroller to keep the chill off. Great stashbuster too.
Special Note: My trial with the No-poo is just that - a trial. It seems to be working right now so I will keep it up. BUT if my hair goes greasy or smelly (like some reported in their trial) I will use shampoo! Trust me. I am just aiming to reduce chemicals in my life - not eradicate them totally.
Tonight I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar rinse after the Baking Soda wash. My hair feels really soft and it dried with body.
You can see it is a little frizzy - I am going for a trim/cut on Wednesday 'cause I have some dead ends. If the frizz doesn't decrease after that I will try something new.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Time to Change
Stop washing your hair with shampoo!!
I read about this seeming radical change in personal grooming from Haley Alaska - just one of the tips I've gleaned there. Can such a small change lead to larger changes? Attempting to go shampoo free is one of many little choices I try to make to lessen the amount of chemicals in my body and home. So far I am 5 days in and my hair is actually curlier and much easier to manage. I am hoping this continues to be true. It feels good to do something relatively healthy for myself - if I can just stop hitting drive-thru's again! My non-existent waist would thank me!
Now I am going to leap from this little change to global change - I know what you're thinking: Did I just stumble upon a socio-political blog? It's called Knittnfool but...?
I just finished watching An Inconvenient Truth. Talk about food for thought - I have some personal reviewing to do in the next little while. If you haven't seen this film you really should. Its simplicity and clarity are remarkable. I found it upsetting during the film that there seemed to be no suggestions to combat global warming - wait for it. The closing credits are brilliant. And effectively motivating.
IN OTHER NEWS: I also watched The Illusionist today. ("Illusions, Dad. You don't have time for my Illusions.") Beautiful film. Annnnd I watched the orignial debut movie for Trailer Park Boys (who knew they were pet assassins?!) & the Conky episode {my 3rd favourite - the carts episode where Ricky keeps falling down the hill? and the gasbar where he falls with the patch on? Deadly funny. This glut of viewership let me knit about 4" of the baby blanket while I nursed my fever and sore throat.
It also let Kira do this:
Labels: Movies
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Oh Baby Oh
Look how big already! Where does the time go?
My cousin and Aunt stopped in this morning with 2 of the little ones in tow. Kai is such a happy baby. Each day that goes by he looks more and more like his father.
Shae-by loves Kai sooo much! She cannot stop talking to him, playing with him, dancing(read: hovering while bouncing) in front of him and she always, always reads to him. Cousins. Too precious.
In yet more baby related news: I
cast on for my friends baby
blanket today. Her shower
is on Saturday, what do you
think?What's that? Yeah.
No chance this is making the party!
Actually when I found out that Kai is soon moving for up to 18 months, I started thinking he might have to take this blankie and I will buy a baby gift for the shower.
Labels: Family
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Where the Wild Things Are
So, we are known to be a little soft when it comes to animals around this house. I regularly purchase seeds and nuts for the wild life that are rapidly losing habitat - even though that's on the strata no-no list, shhhh.
We are rewarded by frequent visits by birds, squirrels, raccoons, frogs, bees & yellowjackets and bats. Great for the garden and for our love of creatures. Taunting for our house pets who aren't keen on sharing their space (read KIRA).
On Sunday we were visited by a particularly pushy squirrel. (Incidentally I think it is the one who has been visiting for 2 years - but what do I know?) I have a planter on our fence that I use to hide nuts in during Fall & Winter, the squirrel emptied the planter 2x and he was fighting Stellar Jays the whole time. Kira was hyper alert and straining every muscle in her tiny, quivering body.
No lie.
On his hind legs.
Looking in the window.
Hitting the glass with his paws.
I tried really hard to get a pic of that - and of the window peeking - but it was pretty hard to control Kira and get a non Sasquatch-shot of the jumpy squirrel at the same time. The best I could get was one of him on his hind legs checking for Jays before burying a nut under my lion next to the Lavender.
Oh - and you have got to go here to watch this video. You really have to.
Labels: Garden
Sunday, October 15, 2006
FO's Buddy!
The day I thought would never
arrive! SS Socky III is complete!
They are pretty comfy too.
I have to make some notes about
what needs changed for the next
I am going to be attempting a blend of 3 patterns for my next socks - MADNESS is it not?
I was thinking of casting on tonight but...that is starting to seem truly foolish.
And here you can see that I also
finished the Kureyon Seed
Stitch mitts! They are snug
babies. I am not sure what
was up with that pattern - then again I don't ever check my gauge so...
I had started a seed stitch scarf as well but the Kureyon knits up too sturdily. It was like a flap of fabric with no give at all. Not a pleasant thing to have draped about your neck let me tell ya!
Labels: Socks
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Favourites Contest: SP 9
List your favorite:
Actor - Johnny Depp
Actress - Rachel Weisz (at the moment)
Animal - Kira
Band - U2
Book - Child of the Morning
Bubble Bath - AVON's Kids Scent - seriously, I know
Candy - Peanut Butter M&M's
Color - Blue
Drink- Pumpkin Spice Latte!! Starbucks - OR Creme Caramel @ the little shop behind my house
Flower - Hydrangea
Food - Thai
Lip Balm - Burt's Bees
Lotion - Body Satin - Melaleuca
Movie - Amadeus
Place - The forest
Song - With or Without You
TV Show - Grey's Anatomy
Yarn - Severus Snape Sock Yarn made by Stitch N Snitch - it is the softest stuff
Vacation Spot - Salt Spring Island
Friday, October 13, 2006
Comfy Cozy

Yep, I finally received my Sock Wars Socks of Doom! My poor assassin sent them off 2 weeks ago - she is only a border away from me. It is very odd that they took so long to arrive.
She made a lovely label for them and sent me a 2nd gift. Handmade stitch markers! How wonderful! Thank you.
I also received my Spunky Eclectic Sock Yarn today. Such yummy colours. I am going to have to get cracking on sock knitting now...

Labels: Socks
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
More SP9 Questions!
Oooh this is such fun!
1. Where is your favorite knitting spot?
On the couch in front of my TV - how original is that answer? Oh, I have taken knitting out and about with me @ work and I did love taking it to the seashore - in the grassy area, sand and knitting? not such a good combo.
2. If you suddenly could never knit again (shudder) - what would you do instead?
What the *ell happened to me?! I guess I am dead. Therefore I would be doing nothing at all.
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world - where would you go and why?
I would head to Egypt and do a full Nile cruise and tour all of the tombs and Hatshepsut's Temple in particular. I have always loved all things to do with ancient Egypt. Heiroglyphics are like magic. see #4
4. When you were little - What did you want to do "when you grew up?" Are you doing it?
When I was little I wanted to be 1) An Egyptologist 2) A Paleontologist (dinosaurs are so fun) 3) A Teacher and 4) A Psychologist {for real! what kind of kid? - don't you love how all of my plans would take a lifetime in school first?!}
So....I am an Early Childhood Educator and I teach Preschool in the mornings, kinders after that and then kids up to 12 yrs so...sort of a teacher, sort of a psychologist, understanding their speech takes some translating - a bit like heiroglyphics! and anyone who has ever had to help a child find any of their own belongings knows the extensive 'digs' you might have to go on so...kind of a paleontologist.
Of course I would still like to really be all of those things, just have to go back to school for 5-7 yrs!!
5. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Chocolate and Peanut Butter all the way!
The cheek of her
So this is what I find when I leave my knitting for a minute or two...
Feeling guilty??
She had been sleeping NEXT to me as I knit and watched the entire Survivor Season 1 - which I had never seen before! I go for a drink and this is what I find when I get back - not only has she stretched out but my wool is around her paw. Devil Dog.
OK - I did put the needles next to her - they were on the floor! Kicked out of the way I assume - we are not sure if her constant interference with my knitting projects is a frustrated urge to knit or a protest against the attention the knitting takes from her. My money is on the latter!
We also had a visitor attempting to walk into our house, not such a good idea when we have 3 cats - one of whom thinks he is the Great Feline Hunter. Rather than let him risk his life for a few peanuts, I spread some on the table outside. He took his time choosing just the right nut before he flew off. Then the yard was inundated with screeching Stellar Jays. Such a lovely sound.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
New Knit in Town
I finished reading the Time Traveler's Wife today. And it left me sad. And cold. So sad and cold. There is a lot of winter in the story, especially towards the end.
Even though I was snug in my bed, beneath my quilt, I was chilled.
I wanted to be completely covered. I wanted a hat. I wanted mitts. I wanted bundled.
That feeling lead me to my newest project.
Kureyon Seed Stitch Mittens with Scarf and Hat.
I am loosely basing the set on a pattern card from Knitting to Go. A very thoughtful gift I received from my Secret Pal in round 8. Why I can never just go with a set pattern I do not know. But it appears I cannot.
Now, how to get to sleep without a book to read...
Labels: Books
Friday, October 06, 2006
Secret Pal 9 Questionnaire
1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
I am using an Aplaca Silk blend in one of my projects and it is so luxe! I seem to have become a bit of a fibre snob lately. I don't like 100% Acrylic but I can handle blends.
Oh - someone sent me a 80% Cotton 20% Wool blend that was sumptuous - It was Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece. Delightful stuff.
2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?
A variety of places - handsewn cases, $1 Store wine containers, purses, baskets, the floor...
3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?
I have been knitting since I was 8 - I learned the hard way - a book from the 50's! Then my Nana taught me the basics. I think I am somewhere inbetween beginner and intermediate.
4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
No - but once again, what a great idea...
5. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products, etc.)
Licorice, citrus, rosemary - mostly fresh not so much flowery.
6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy?
Does wool felt? Yep I got the sweet tooth something fierce. Anything chocolate!
7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin?
I do not spin - though it is starting to look like a lot of fun to me.
I scrapbook, garden, dabble in do-it-yourself woodworking projects, paint.
What hobbies have you abandoned for knitting is what this question's essence is for me!
8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)
I like many, many kinds of music BUT I abhor country (with the exceptions of the Dixie Chicks, The Judds and sometimes Dwight Yoakam - go figure!)
All of my music technology can play home made CD's and thank goodness for that.
9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand?
Ummm I keep trying to stray from my favourite colour which is blue - so I went to pink, purple and now kind of lilac - not really venturing too far. I don't really have any green...
The only colour I think can be difficult is yellow - other than that I am pretty accepting.
10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?I am single with an extensive closeknit family of cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces etc. etc.
I have 3 cats and a dog, Kira is my baby!
11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?
I have been known to wear all of the above - and lately it has been chilly here in the morning so I may be wearing some of those things quite soon.
12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
Oh, that really varies. I think dishcloths at the moment and socks.
I also love to make things for little people - they are so quick to make.
Noticing a theme here??
13. What are you knitting right now?
Maybe see my progress bars - I always have a few things on the go.
I also constantly fight the urge to start something new.
14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts?
15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
I prefer wooden needles. I have all kinds.
SPECIAL NOTE: I tried bamboo sock needles and I snapped them like toothpicks!
I apparently knit with the strength of a brute!
16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?
17. How old is your oldest UFO?
Well...I think the oldest will be one year next month - but there could be something older lurking about that I have utterly forgotten.
18. What is your favorite holiday?
Any - as long as I get to lounge in my PJ's and eat great food.
I don't celebrate traditional holidays so no need to send Halloween or X-Mas things my way!
19. Is there anything that you collect?
Hmmmm...books, yarn, flower pots,
20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
I do want to try this Euroflax Linen yarn I keep hearing about...
I remember a little felted birdhouse pattern at FibreTrends I think.
Knitting Nature. Knit Fix. Bacchus in the Bath Collection. Log Cabin Throw. Yipes I better stop looking!!
21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn?
Not that I can think of...
22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?
Yes. Ummm I wear a US8 Ladies. A bit wide on the top of my foot and narrow ankles.
When did you start making socks?
I started making socks in May of this year.
Did you teach yourself or were you taught by a friend or relative? or in a class?
I taught myself through trial and error with a book and an online tutorial on grafting toes.
What was your first pair?
My first pair is an adapted version of Sunrise Sunset socks in BGK's.
How have they "held up" over time?
Ummmm I still have one toe to graft so...they are holding up just fine!!
What would you have done differently?
I would have read the pattern more carefully so that they are not an 'adapted' version.
What yarns have you particularly enjoyed?
So far the 100% wool hand-dyed - the wool I used for Sock Wars was a little scritchy (sorry target!)
Do you like to crochet your socks? or knit them on DPNs, 2 circulars, or using the Magic Loop method?
I have only used DPN's but am not averse to learning new methods.
Which kind of heel do you prefer? (flap? or short-row?)
Both patterns used the heel flap so...I have much to learn!
How many pairs have you made?
If you count the one with an ungrafted toe, I have made 2 pairs.
I do, however, have wool for about 8 more pairs! And I haven't really even decided if I like making socks?!!
Only because they take me so long.
Labels: Socks
Top 10 (or so) Songs
Ooh la la! Another meme.
Saw this @ Bronxie Knits
1. With or Without You: U2 Cheesy? Perhaps but this song always makes my breath catch.
2. 13th Apostle: The Tea Party Damn that Jeff Martin - he destroyed a great band
3. Reptile: Nine Inch Nails Now that's an ugly relationship
4. Lie to Me: Depeche Mode So fun!
5. Love Song for a Vampire: Annie Lennox For it is the drum of drums, it is the song of songs
6. Take this Waltz: Leonard Cohen Ahhhh that growling man
7. Ahead by a Century: Tragically Hip Sigh
8. Just like Starting Over: John Lennon The memories, the Elvis-y sound
9. Jane: Barenaked Ladies That's too bad for her
10. Me in Honey: REM This song always makes me smile!
11. Caught a Lite Sneeze: Tori Amos Brilliant woman
12. Pushit: Tool Tortured genius has a voice: Maynard James Keenan
13: Long Time Running: Tragically Hip How did I leave this off? Ultimate love song
14: Rose: A Perfect Circle See #12
Labels: Meme
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
A Fresh Face
Here is a peek at the wonderful brains and brawn behind our revised living space! (I promise to post a more flattering pic soon)
I bought some new couches as well, so things are quite improved. They had to be shipped from back East thereby leaving us no choice but to use our Patio furniture indoors for 2 weeks.
Then we delayed delivery until the floors were complete - and relative or no, a contractor has an unpredictable schedule (don't most contractors arrive 2-3 days/weeks after their original start date?). This means that for just over a month we have been couchless. This was not good for Kira. Or our cats.
You can see that we are not the only members of the household to appreciate the completion of this project!
Now we just have to unpack everything and I might get back into what my heart truly longs for... some knitting!
Labels: Family
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The Improvement
diaphanous disaffection for this room,"
Here are some in progress pics.

No knitting content to be had. Way to busy learning new carpentry skills and straining my back moving furniture a zillion times.

Incidentally laying this floor was a lot of fun. Namely because Mandy and I have wild times together,

Labels: Family, Poetry Thursday
Sunday, October 01, 2006
It begins...
Half an hour to go and look how much work there is to do still! My cousin will be here soon to rip out our carpet and began laying our hardwood flooring. Ai yi yi!!
Will I get it done in time? Should I be blogging in the meanwhile??
Probably not, but it is so much fun.
I am just going to finish this, load up some songs on the computer and get going on the remainder of the crap, I mean stuff, that needs to be packed and moved.
I will blog later about the progress made. In the meanwhile here are some FO's atop our dusty piano for your consideration.
Labels: Socks
The Power of Magical Thinking
When I was young I had a prevailing belief in magic. (Narnia was real - it was my closet that was failing me - I needed a wardrobe. )
My imagination was peopled with fairies, talking animals, secret companions, other worlds and languages.
I spent hour upon hour setting up elaborate homes and kingdoms in my bedroom, backyard, grandparents basement, and the forest.
I seemed to find outside proof of magic's existence, or at least its past existence, all around me. At a very young age this statue outside our local Art Gallery convinced me that there were indeed Unicorns. There were more than enough books and stories to support my belief in other magical beings. I was a frequent visitor to the Library, both downtown, and at school.
This magical thinking allowed me to thrive in a very unhappy childhood home. I find that it is still comforting to me today. I read The Hobbit each Fall etc.
I am thinking about magic tonight because, as you may have seen, I added progress boxes to my sidebar. What does that have to do with magic you ask?
HTML code, uploading, downloading, hosting. I do it but I do not understand it. It is magic to me that I type in some letters and symbols in a prescribed fashion and it becomes images and words that can be viewed around the world.
Don't even get me started on faxes, telephones or radio. It is all beyond my ken.
I am grateful for everyday magic and for the magical thinking of inventors, explorers and creators the world over!
Labels: Books