Sunday, October 29, 2006
Wash it away!
I'm into dishclothes again. I just stopped into our LYS for cotton to match the pink I had and...picked this up instead.
This is the 1st time I am doing a 2-tone Ballband cloth. I love this pattern. It is so simple but looks so tidy and neat.
In other news: Majeeks was in a fight Wednesday night. He got away with just a scratch below his right eye. By Thursday night his little face was a mess. Infection had set in and his nose had doubled in size and his eye was nearly swollen shut.
Having paid hefty vet fees in the past (and since it was nearly midnight) I thought I would just look online to see what sort of natural solution we might have on hand.
I found this site and we started treatment right away. Friday morning we thought he looked a little better. 3 applications later, he was completely himself! Unbelievable. I am still washing his scratch with ACV and warm water until all trace of the scratch is gone. We may well have saved ourselves $300 (or more) and a longer recovery time.
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Amazing! I'd never heard of that before.
I've lanced a few absesses in my day to avoid vet bills. I've had success with flushing the wound using hydrogen peroxide.
Thanks so much for the link - so glad to hear you had such success with your kitty...
and I love the dishcloth - I was just looking over the same pattern, and you have pushed me over the edge - must... shop...
I'm so glad that your little furry one is feeling fine again! Thanks so much for sharing the link to the natural remedy page for cats, I'll look through it right now and I'm sure there'll be quite some suggestions how to get my really old cat (17 years) back in shape again.
And I really love how your dishcloth is coming along - beautiful colors, amazing pattern!