Saturday, April 29, 2006


This is turning out to be one crafty weekend!

Yesterday we began making Deer Hide Rattles and Drum Sticks at our Preschool. We have a regular Family component that includes breakfast, activities and presentations.
This week we were doing a cultural sharing project - a follow up to our Drum Making in September. We had the best time. So much laughter and sharing. It was fantastic. We did however run out of time. No surprise there, the program is usually only 3 hrs long and even though we went overtime we still had some rattles soaking in water.

I brought them home and after I punched the holes, my Mom sewed them up. Then I filled them with beans so they will dry in a rounded shape.
Eventually the beans will be emptied (save a few for rattling!), the skin will be resoaked and then tied to the handle. Which leaves only the decorating to complete - the whole process is fun, but the decorating/finishing is my favourite part.

I will post pics of the completed projects but that might not be until June at our big, BIG cultural sharing. (In case any of you are wondering I am of First Nations heritage on my father's side)

And...Today I got my One Skein in the mail! Yippee! Stash be might just start to shrink.

Ravenclaw update: I am knitting away on my sleeve. Mildly impressed with my newfound respect for measuring to ensure a proper fit, when all of a sudden! what the?! Right. It is a 3/4 sleeve. Not a full sleeve.
Me and the Math. We really aren't the best of friends.
So now I have about 10 rows to frog - but the good news there is that 1 sleeve will be done! and I can begin its mate this afternoon.

Before our huge family dinner which I am baking Peanut Butter Filled Chocolate Ganache Cupcakes. This time I baked them for 6 minutes less and they were done. So they should be much, much moister today.

Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 12:32 PM :: (0) comments

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Since I have had no time whatsoever to knit I am glad to see that somethings are still being accomplished - especially when they require nothing at all from me!
It has been lightly raining so I have not even had to water my garden or containers.
Effortless gardening. It's a good thing.


Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 7:56 PM :: (0) comments

Monday, April 24, 2006

Cabled Completion

Huzzah! The strap that felt like it would never end is finished! And really once it is sewn on it does not look all that big.
I feel like it is pretty darn good since it was my first time cabling. I think I may just use it to go to work tomorrow. I have to say that I was very, very surprised at how long it took to sew together. Such a smallish bag for about 2 hrs of sewing. I must forget about that every time I make something. I know I have put things together before but I can't remember them taking so long. Strange no?

I finally shipped my Warming Grace squares today. When it comes to procrastination I really excel. I am moved that there are over 150 knitters taking part in making this beautiful gift. We are a generous community!

A stunningly gorgeous day here today and I got a little too much sun - and that was with 40 SPF. So I am going to get to bed early (ha, ha) to dream of my next project.

I was going to cast on the Pippi Knee Stockings only to discover that we do not have a set of double pointed needles in either size called for. Then I became intimidated by the strict directions NOT TO TWIST the STITCHES! Add the 4" gauge swatch that is recommended and colour me uninterested. Seriously, 24 stitches for 36 rows! Of SWATCH! Man. That is just a LOT of work. Sounds a little ambitious for 11 pm. At least for this chicky.

So, maybe I will finish my Ravenclaw Raglan next. We'll see how I feel in the morning.

Oh and I just added the pic of the squirrel 'cause he is so damn cute. He was rummaging for dropped bird seed in our planters this afternoon. Little recycler!

Oh AND Day 1 of Turn off Your TV (toyt) and I am happy to say I did not exceed my one hour daily allotment. I am figuring that since I don't watch Tues, Fri, or Sat that I can have 2 hrs on Weds, Thurs & Sunday. Reasonable don't you think? Listen to me! Rationalizing the breaking of my own rules! LOL.

Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 11:02 PM :: (1) comments

Friday, April 21, 2006

H is for...


This is a picture of Garibaldi Lake. An overnight hike from my living room. Those mountains have been a part of my daily life since I was 3.
I grew up in this lush temperate rain forest, surrounded by water and mountains.

Images like the one above make me love celebrations like Earth Day. Make me embrace change - even small changes. Changes for the good that is. Surely they all add up.

Today at work I took the children I share my daily life with on an Earth Day walk - with compromise. We cleaned up 9 bags of garbage between our building and 7-11 while we passed 3 garbage cans, 2 garbage bins and 2 cardboard recycling bins. All of the children commented on their frustration that no one appeared to be using the garbage bins - that were right there. The compromise came in purchasing Slurpees for all of the Earth Day cleaners. Sugar and food dye in waxed paper cups with 3 different kinds of plastic just for each straw. I didn't say a word. After all it was their idea to go on a garbage walk. You can only change things one action at a time.

After we got back we planted 2 small trees in our yard and used our new composters for the first time.

Tomorrow I will purchase some native plants from a local backyard nursery to add to my garden.

I will walk my dog in the clean fresh air and maybe even hike in the woods. I will rejoice at being alive.

And maybe, just maybe do a little knitting.

How will you celebrate Earth Day?

Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 11:24 PM :: (0) comments

Thursday, April 20, 2006

How much knitting could a Knitter knit if a Knitter only knit?

Ahh my favourite time of year is here: International TURN OFF YOUR TV week is upon us this Monday.
I am bracing myself for it! Since I have taken up knitting I have suddenly become a person who reads less and watches more TV. I have found myself watching things that I am not even enjoying or that actually make me mad.
So this is going to be the jolt I have been needing to get me to take control of my TV viewing. I can knit without TV, right? RIGHT??

Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 6:36 PM :: (1) comments

Monday, April 17, 2006

"Oh my god!" or "Goodness, Gracious, Me-oh-my-oh!"

These cupcakes may cause a serious roadblock on my path to a healthy body weight. And not the kind I can let my fellow contestant complete.

Fortunately I have developed a low threshold for rich food of late and I cannot eat another one of these babies...yet.

Yes indeedy that is chocolate ganache on top. Ganache. That I made. That is good. That is more than good. That is godlessly sinfully good. That is: "My name is Michelle, and I am a chocoholic" good. I mean seriously!
Anyone that had ever tasted/witnessed the ganache torte I made about 14 yrs ago will be suitably impressed, if not astonished by this ganache.

Not that I can take any credit. I followed Chockylit's instructions to the letter. The genius is all hers.

I need to take a knitting break. My tummy hurts.

I owe the title of this post to the Aunt I am making these cupckakes for.


Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 9:53 AM :: (1) comments

Cupcakes, Callouses, Cabling & Cooper

Alliteration is the name of the game!

So I chose tonight to try out these little gems of cupcakes by Chockylit (Yes, that is our battered and burnt cookie sheet beneath those cupcakes). We have a family dinner coming up that is partially a belated anniversary celebration and a pre-wedding dinner and I want something with a little WOW factor.
The batter is out of this world good. The baked cupcake is a little dry, with a tendency to crumble - not too sure what needs to change there.
Tomorrow I will add the filling and the topping. I am thinking that even if the result is not as pretty, they are going to be damned good cups of cake.

Pre-cupcakes, I spent much of today working on the strap for my purse. It is a braided cable number which is a lot of fun to knit but there are two problems:
1) It seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time to cable 16 stitches -- how long does a sweater take?!
2) I have a reddened, cracking patch of skin on my index finger -- which you may or may not be able to see in the picture above.

I can't resist one more 'C', so indulge me: I'm Curious, does anyone else get callouses from spending the day knitting?
If so, what do you do about it? Would a thimble work? Lots of localized hand cream?
I really want to know!

Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 12:27 AM :: (0) comments

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Mucking with Mukluks

The mukluks are done - sort of . I am not sure if you can tell but they are just a liiitle too big for me. In the feet and in their height too. So...whenever I feel more ambitious and less frustrated with these pricey failures I will be refelting them. Oh and they are freaking HUGE around my ankles! In the meanwhile I am finishing off a purse and just learned how to cable! There is a band of cable along the top and the strap is a braided cable. OK cabling is so much fun! I didn't expect that. Tomorrow when I have more done I will post a pic.
Yet another picture of my Doggy. Kira is sitting on the cat! Right on his back. Jeeksy doesn't look like he minds too much. Don't they look cozy?

Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 3:39 AM :: (0) comments

Saturday, April 08, 2006


It's been a few day since I was here. It has been a busy week - class, work presentation, meetings AND - the book to your Right. I cannot put this baby down. I only checked it out Thursday - but it is taking up every unoccupied moment of my time. A fictional yet historical approach to the Dracula legend. How will I finish my Mukluks with this book in the house?! I am going to have to set myself a schedule that meets book & knitting needs.
I have completed one square for Grace's blanket and my Mom is hard at work making her a surprise gift.
You can also see that Kira has been shorn. Time for a spring do - she was getting tangly and a little too warm. When her hair is first cut so short she doesn't even look like my girl. pout pout It does grow in quickly but it is really good that I took her pics in her knitwear before her grooming - all of her sweaters are too big without her fur. I am going to have to remedy that one day. After this book of course!


Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 1:13 PM :: (2) comments

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Here are two of the regular visitors to my garden. The audacious little bird has even come right into our house looking for peanuts. We know because we found some bird poop on the back of our couch - and we don't have any pet birds!


Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 7:39 AM :: (0) comments

G is for...

Garden beginning to grow! This is my favorite time of year. I love seeing the fresh green growth. Last year our townhouses were painted red and the green is offset perfectly by it. The birds have started singing me awake in the morning and last night I heard the first croaking of frogs as I fell asleep. Spring is finally here!


Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 7:22 AM :: (0) comments

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Of course I am!

You scored as Elinor Dashwood. As Marianne's older sister, Elinor lives at the other end of the emotional spectrum. She rarely reveals her intense feelings and is more concerned with being honest and loyal than having what she deserves. Even though her intentions are pure, she sets herself up for loss by constantly placing other people before her own needs. Overall, Elinor is gentle and rational but is just as capable of radical emotions (despite her withholding them) as her sister.

Which Jane Austen Character are You? (For Females) Long Quiz!!!
created with


Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 2:43 PM :: (2) comments

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Flash 'N My Stash

Kira, reluctantly posing in her handmade Cheongsam from Victoria.

So...this project has spawned multiple projects! Talk about an incentive to spring clean - I wound up with 3 bags of clothing and shoes to give away. I moved the furniture in my bedroom, cleaned the bathroom and purged the hall closet: upstairs AND downstairs hall closets!
3 loads of laundry later...the members of the stash were ready for their closeup.
A few key pics of the remnant stash and the 'unkown fiber' stash would not load - and they were the biggest part of the stash. Sigh.
Here is the rest - OH and I forgot to take pics of the stash in its natural habitat - but suffice it to say, it was definitely in the wild ALL OVER this house!

Ooh - and here is the Gallery of FO & some WIP's. Enjoy!!

Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 7:03 PM :: (0) comments


Grey's Anatomy

(I know, I know tasteless)


The Memory Keeper's Daughter
HP and the Philosopher's Stone


Sopranos - Season 3

Rome Season 2

Stashalong Goals Met

1. Sizzle
4. Darling
7. Mary Janes
8. Absorba
9. Felted Oregon Tote
12. Purple Roving Scarf
13. Le Slouch
14. Uniscarfity

On My Needles

Anemoi Mittens

Baby Blankie

Blanket of Many Colours

Cotillion Socks

Laura Tee

Ravenclaw House Scarf

Severus Snape Gentleman's Fancy Socks

Surprise Baby Gift

Up Next

Bathrobes x1: Seth
Seed Stitch Noro Hat: Me
Kidlet Socks: SP9

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    KnittnFool: April 2006