Saturday, April 01, 2006
Flash 'N My Stash
Kira, reluctantly posing in her handmade Cheongsam from Victoria.
So...this project has spawned multiple projects! Talk about an incentive to spring clean - I wound up with 3 bags of clothing and shoes to give away. I moved the furniture in my bedroom, cleaned the bathroom and purged the hall closet: upstairs AND downstairs hall closets!
3 loads of laundry later...the members of the stash were ready for their closeup.
A few key pics of the remnant stash and the 'unkown fiber' stash would not load - and they were the biggest part of the stash. Sigh.
Here is the rest - OH and I forgot to take pics of the stash in its natural habitat - but suffice it to say, it was definitely in the wild ALL OVER this house!
Ooh - and here is the Gallery of FO & some WIP's. Enjoy!!
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