Saturday, April 29, 2006
This is turning out to be one crafty weekend!
Yesterday we began making Deer Hide Rattles and Drum Sticks at our Preschool. We have a regular Family component that includes breakfast, activities and presentations.
This week we were doing a cultural sharing project - a follow up to our Drum Making in September. We had the best time. So much laughter and sharing. It was fantastic. We did however run out of time. No surprise there, the program is usually only 3 hrs long and even though we went overtime we still had some rattles soaking in water.
I brought them home and after I punched the holes, my Mom sewed them up. Then I filled them with beans so they will dry in a rounded shape.
Eventually the beans will be emptied (save a few for rattling!), the skin will be resoaked and then tied to the handle. Which leaves only the decorating to complete - the whole process is fun, but the decorating/finishing is my favourite part.
I will post pics of the completed projects but that might not be until June at our big, BIG cultural sharing. (In case any of you are wondering I am of First Nations heritage on my father's side)
And...Today I got my One Skein in the mail! Yippee! Stash be might just start to shrink.
Ravenclaw update: I am knitting away on my sleeve. Mildly impressed with my newfound respect for measuring to ensure a proper fit, when all of a sudden! what the?! Right. It is a 3/4 sleeve. Not a full sleeve.
Me and the Math. We really aren't the best of friends.
So now I have about 10 rows to frog - but the good news there is that 1 sleeve will be done! and I can begin its mate this afternoon.
Before our huge family dinner which I am baking Peanut Butter Filled Chocolate Ganache Cupcakes. This time I baked them for 6 minutes less and they were done. So they should be much, much moister today.
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