Friday, February 16, 2007
10 Weird Things
Finally, this could quite possibly be the slowest response to being tagged...
1. I am quite confident when it comes to public speaking - but to speak to individuals whom I don't know? Terrifying.
2. I will go to ludicrous lengths to avoid spoilers for shows/books I am excited about: eg. Deathly Hollows - when I get it at 12:01 AM on July 21st I will be in total seclusion until I have finished it - no phone, no tv, no internet, NO friends who might have read faster/heard something
However, if it is something I am not that keen on I will search for info and speculate away - eg. There were absolutely no surprises for me during last night's Grey's - although the show is the buzz everywhere and I have heard reports of people being devastated and trying to reassure each other that they didn't pronounce so Meredith is fine.
3. I collect utterly useless things that even I don't know what value I originally saw in them. eg. Postcards, letters, photos with or about times, people or places that only have bad connotations. Why??
4. I can't stand to have my food mixing on my plate. Imagine the horror of a buffet or potluck dinner! Yes, yes I know. It is all mixed once eaten. Isn't that what makes it weird?
5. I have no tolerance for fiddling or chatter - though I have been known to chatter - and is knitting a form of fiddling?
6. I would much rather eat most food with a spoon.
7. Eating with plastic utensils and dishes gives me shudders. Ugghhhh.
8. I generally view housework as monumental tasks that require Herculean effort. Once I tackle them I am surprised at how simple they are and vow to do them more often. EVERY WEEK people. Every week.
9. I can't bear to use the same towel, face or dish cloth twice. The idea makes me physically ill. You should see my bag for camping!
10. If the laundry doesn't get into the dryer within a 3 hr time frame, I rewash it. With more soap. Even though I hate to waste water. It is an inner conflict. And if you consider #9 you will realize I do a substantial amount of laundry.
Yikes - once you get to 6 the list just kind of flows ~~ What does that say about me?
And now a picture that could go on our neighbours List of Weird Things: Click on picture to view in a larger window - this one needs to be seen up close!
And just for the h*ll of it. Kira @ work.
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Those are just quirks and quarks. Not weirdness.
The dummy in the driver's seat of your neighbour's car is weird.
Kira is a doll.
If you put a single stitch of a contrasting colour in your knitting it will always look like a heart.
Because I don't like spoilers either, I had to skip right past whatever you said about Grey's Anatomy, just in case! (I haven't seen the most recent episodes yet.)
Good list! We all have our quirks -- we might as well be a little proud of them!
Oh my gosh, this pic cracked me up big time - first I thought there's a corpse sitting in that car, aaarrghhh!
I so enjoyed reading through your list - and I so, so hear you on the housework part! My gosh, just the thought of it gives me a couple more grey hairs, and once you've gotten started, things go so quickly - but we seem to have forgotten that by the next time we'll have to get in housework-gear again, no?! A nightmare! ;)
There must be something similar about all those weird things, because I could claim several myself. I have a complex about going to buffets because I think people must assume I am a pig. I make about 20 trips because I only put 1 or 2 things on my plate so they won't touch. The very idea of washing with a used washcloth makes me sick. I can agree with #1 & #2 as well. I used to have a whole batch of spoiler resources for various reality shows, but it was taking up too much time.
However, it makes me crazy to see my husband spread peanut butter with a spoon. It's so wrong. (I found my way to your blog via Wendy at Well Mannered Frivolity).