Saturday, September 23, 2006
An Imminent Arrival...and Departure
My friend is in labour! How exciting!
We had been joking about risk of the GA Premiere kickstarting labour but she made it through. (She had another friend taping it at their place just in case - damned Thursday night overstacked tv schedules! Her vcr was already taping - why don't we have TIVO?)
Last night she rented a show and I went over after work.
Her pick: Hotel Rwanda.
My immediate reaction: "You want this baby to come by tomorrow, don't you?"
As an aside: Brilliant movie. Brilliant.
She went into labour early this morning and the baby should be here by the time I wake up tomorrow. That is wonderful. Pics will, of course, follow.

Now - Sock of Doom news. I love this pattern - could it be any easier? I have a minor concern that the sock will be loose on my target - that would really suck. When I was at the forum though my results matched others posted so...the sock will go on. I can totally see myself making more of these socks. That is how easy this pattern is. And so, so much faster than SS Socky III - no disrespect but he is one time/labour intensive project.
I predict that the Sock of Doom will not be here long...
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That IS very exciting! Congrats :o)