Monday, July 31, 2006

"She Fee-zy..."

My poor baby. I had her hair cut this week.
It had been so hot and she was just panting and laying on the floor for days and days.
She was shorn on Thursday - she feels so silky soft.

Friday morning the weather changed.
We have gone from 35 C to 12 C.
Poor Kira was shivering this evening.
She had to wear a sweater and snuggle up on my lap.

She is wearing a cabled sweater that we bought at a garage sale for $1.
$1!! Imagine the work that went into that baby. We bought 2 sweaters at that sale.
Both cabled, both handmade, both for $1.
A knitter somewhere is going unappreciated in that family.

The remarkable thing is how perfectly the sweaters fit Kira. I think the colour looks lovely with her golden-y white hair too. But I am a little partial.

The title qoute is from a child, who in my 12 or more year career working with children, was the most difficult child to put to sleep EVER! In the history of childcare I am sure.
We would all begin to unclench our jaws when she would look up and say "Me fee-zy..." (me freezing). This meant she was tired. We could lay the blanket on her and in less than 5 minutes she would be asleep. As if the 45-1 hr previous had never happened. This would leave about 20 minutes before the rest of the group would wake up. Ahhhh. Daycare.

Ever since then whenever anyone is cold myself, a cousin co-worker and a few close friends use the "me fee-zy" shorthand we have become so fond of.

I am so loving this pattern! The fleece is outrageously soft.
I have 1 1/2 dishcloths done.
Maybe I just need to stick to tiny projects...
I am feeling such a sense of accomplishment.

Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 12:32 AM


Grey's Anatomy

(I know, I know tasteless)


The Memory Keeper's Daughter
HP and the Philosopher's Stone


Sopranos - Season 3

Rome Season 2

Stashalong Goals Met

1. Sizzle
4. Darling
7. Mary Janes
8. Absorba
9. Felted Oregon Tote
12. Purple Roving Scarf
13. Le Slouch
14. Uniscarfity

On My Needles

Anemoi Mittens

Baby Blankie

Blanket of Many Colours

Cotillion Socks

Laura Tee

Ravenclaw House Scarf

Severus Snape Gentleman's Fancy Socks

Surprise Baby Gift

Up Next

Bathrobes x1: Seth
Seed Stitch Noro Hat: Me
Kidlet Socks: SP9

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    KnittnFool: "She Fee-zy..."