Monday, July 31, 2006
"She Fee-zy..."
My poor baby. I had her hair cut this week.
It had been so hot and she was just panting and laying on the floor for days and days.
She was shorn on Thursday - she feels so silky soft.
Friday morning the weather changed.
We have gone from 35 C to 12 C.
Poor Kira was shivering this evening.
She had to wear a sweater and snuggle up on my lap.
She is wearing a cabled sweater that we bought at a garage sale for $1.
$1!! Imagine the work that went into that baby. We bought 2 sweaters at that sale.
Both cabled, both handmade, both for $1.
A knitter somewhere is going unappreciated in that family.
The remarkable thing is how perfectly the sweaters fit Kira. I think the colour looks lovely with her golden-y white hair too. But I am a little partial.
The title qoute is from a child, who in my 12 or more year career working with children, was the most difficult child to put to sleep EVER! In the history of childcare I am sure.
We would all begin to unclench our jaws when she would look up and say "Me fee-zy..." (me freezing). This meant she was tired. We could lay the blanket on her and in less than 5 minutes she would be asleep. As if the 45-1 hr previous had never happened. This would leave about 20 minutes before the rest of the group would wake up. Ahhhh. Daycare.
Ever since then whenever anyone is cold myself, a cousin co-worker and a few close friends use the "me fee-zy" shorthand we have become so fond of.
I am so loving this pattern! The fleece is outrageously soft.
I have 1 1/2 dishcloths done.
Maybe I just need to stick to tiny projects...
I am feeling such a sense of accomplishment.
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