Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Is it shorts weather?

This is what I did to my leg before I even got in the Van to go to work this morning.
Lovely isn't it?

The infliction of my injuries are always so mundane. I wasn't rock climbing, or mountain biking, dirt biking, hiking or roller blading - all things I do WITHOUT bodily harm.

( FACT: I have broken my ankle while running along a paved sidewalk and - here's the doozy - while climbing a set of stairs. Same ankle, not properly healed.)

Nope. I was just stepping out of my car with an armful of things I needed to take to work and not looking towards the ground. I completely forgot that there are a stack of brick/stepping stones (that I snagged for my garden for mosaic-ing from a reno project) leaning against the post beside the car.

I also forgot that two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Not without dreadful scrapes they can't.

(The puffy ankle is unrelated to the scrape - but closely linked to the heat! Aaaand, it's the twice broken one.)

Oh and tell me this: How did picking up a stitch that only 'fell' 4 rows take nearly 30 minutes tonight? Those miniscule sock needles....

Posted by Miss Scarlett @ 12:11 AM


Grey's Anatomy

(I know, I know tasteless)


The Memory Keeper's Daughter
HP and the Philosopher's Stone


Sopranos - Season 3

Rome Season 2

Stashalong Goals Met

1. Sizzle
4. Darling
7. Mary Janes
8. Absorba
9. Felted Oregon Tote
12. Purple Roving Scarf
13. Le Slouch
14. Uniscarfity

On My Needles

Anemoi Mittens

Baby Blankie

Blanket of Many Colours

Cotillion Socks

Laura Tee

Ravenclaw House Scarf

Severus Snape Gentleman's Fancy Socks

Surprise Baby Gift

Up Next

Bathrobes x1: Seth
Seed Stitch Noro Hat: Me
Kidlet Socks: SP9

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    KnittnFool: Is it shorts weather?