Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Is it shorts weather?
This is what I did to my leg before I even got in the Van to go to work this morning.
Lovely isn't it?
The infliction of my injuries are always so mundane. I wasn't rock climbing, or mountain biking, dirt biking, hiking or roller blading - all things I do WITHOUT bodily harm.
( FACT: I have broken my ankle while running along a paved sidewalk and - here's the doozy - while climbing a set of stairs. Same ankle, not properly healed.)
Nope. I was just stepping out of my car with an armful of things I needed to take to work and not looking towards the ground. I completely forgot that there are a stack of brick/stepping stones (that I snagged for my garden for mosaic-ing from a reno project) leaning against the post beside the car.
I also forgot that two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Not without dreadful scrapes they can't.
(The puffy ankle is unrelated to the scrape - but closely linked to the heat! Aaaand, it's the twice broken one.)
Oh and tell me this: How did picking up a stitch that only 'fell' 4 rows take nearly 30 minutes tonight? Those miniscule sock needles....
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