Sunday, March 19, 2006
Mukluks Progress
I have finally re-dedicated myself to my abandoned projects.
After months of beating my head against a wall at work I have decided to spend more time on myself and on the things that make me happy. As selfish as that sounds there is really very little that I ever do that is for myself.
So I have relaunched myself into my gym, started reading a great book (Persuasion: My favourite Jane Austen novel!) and my knitting.
I vow to post here a little more regularly as well.
For now here are my Mukluks as of Grey's Anatomy tonight (I like to multi-task and get some quality television viewing in while I knit)
They look huge right now but if the felting process works as described they will be a fitted Size 8.
PS. I'm really not as bored as I look!
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